Julia Roberts could be back in India in a few months but it won't be for a vacation. The 41-year-old actress will be shooting for a film produced by Brad Pitt's company. Based on the international bestseller memoir, Eat, Pray, Love (written by Elizabeth Gilbert), which has been translated into at least 31 languages and sold over 7.5 million copies, the film will explore a divorced woman's journey in search of restoration of her body and soul --- and her quest for love.
Eat, Pray, Love could be her next major movie for her following the soon-to-be-released corporate thriller Duplicity. But unlike that film, in which she shares many screen moments with the leading man Clive Owen , Eat, Pray, Love will give a monopoly of its action. Gilbert hopes that the movie, like the book, will not nudge people from giving up on their troubled marriages and go globetrotting.
'The last thing I ever want to become is the Poster Child for Everyone Must Leave Their Husband And Move To India In Order To Find God,' she has said. 'I drew up my journey as a personal prescription for solving my life. Transformative journeys come in many forms, though, and often happen without people ever leaving home. Divinity is available everywhere, at all times. People find their way to God during wars, in the middle of traffic jams and in small prison cells.'
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